martes, 28 de octubre de 2008

Putting events in order writing

One day I was going to school. I was three blocks from my house as soon as I stoped in the corner, suddenly sow how two cars crashed, it was terrible, I imagined the worse.

Carefully sow the car that didn´t sow the red light, It was my father´s car, but my father wasn´t there at the moment, I recibed a call from my father, I stayed so confuced I didn´t undertanding nothing.

The next day my father told me the complete history it was like a movie.

The car of my father was stoled but the man who stoled the car never imajined that he going to die in this terriffic accident.

1 comentario:

Anónimo dijo...

Hey, I love your photos..they are really nice...